When I execute the command $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "meu.nome.silva@QQQ.com.br"
get the error message:
Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Program Files (x86)/GNU/SSH/.ssh/id_rsa) : Could not create directory '/c/Program Files (x86)/GNU/SSH/. ssh': No such file o directory Enter passphrase (Empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase Again: Saving key "/c/Program Files (x86) /GNU/SSH/. ssh/id_rsa" failed: No such file or directory
I tried to run with administrator and get the same message
sudo ssh-keygen ...
– Valdeir Psr
But what about the vestments like the email address ?
– alexjosesilva
would be in a second step ?
– alexjosesilva
I am receiving the message: Could not create directory '/c/Program Files (x86)/GNU/SSH/. ssh': No such file or directory
– alexjosesilva
I have to create that folder ?
– alexjosesilva
remembering that I am using windows Administrator mode
– alexjosesilva
Funny... what is the value of
? That folder.ssh
should be in the$HOME
user, not in program files– Jefferson Quesado
C: Users alex.jose.silva.ssh has nothing!
– alexjosesilva
I used the default installation!
– alexjosesilva
This issue is not about artifact versioning or communication/use of Github. There’s no reason to have such tags
– Jefferson Quesado
Nor does it make sense to have git, it being analyzed individually
– Jefferson Quesado