Problems with Java Strings


Viewed 99 times


Guys, I’m running a data migration from a csv file to an H2 database. In this process I use the beanio to read the file and transform it into objects and then persist the objects in the base using jpa+Hibernate.

The problem is weird because when reading the file the description property of the first object read is mais que minusculo

Does anyone have any idea what this is?

Beanio xml

    <stream name="produto" format="csv">
        <property name="delimiter" value=";" />
        <property name="lineSeparator" value="\n" />
        <property name="whitespaceAllowed" value="true" />
    <typeHandler type="java.util.Date" class="com.nexccs.typehandlers.DateTypeHandler" />
    <typeHandler name="LongHandler" class="com.nexccs.typehandlers.LongTypeHandler" />
    <typeHandler name="IntegerHandler" class="com.nexccs.typehandlers.IntegerTypeHandler" />
    <typeHandler name="UsuarioHandler" class="com.nexccs.typehandlers.UsuarioTypeHandler" />
    <typeHandler name="CategoriaHandler" class="com.nexccs.typehandlers.StringCategoriaHandler" />
    <typeHandler name="UnidadeMedidaHandler" class="com.nexccs.typehandlers.StringUnidadeMedidaHandler" />
    <typeHandler name="FornecedorHandler" class="com.nexccs.typehandlers.FornecedorHandler" />
    <typeHandler name="MoneyHandler" class="com.nexccs.typehandlers.MoneyToBigDecimalHandler" />
    <typeHandler name="CommaToDecimalPointerBigDecimal" class="com.nexccs.typehandlers.CommaToDecimalPointerBigDecimalTypeHandler" />
    <record name="produto" class="com.nexccs.model.Produto">
        <field name="descricao" />
        <field name="codigo" />
        <field name="qtdEstoque" typeHandler="CommaToDecimalPointerBigDecimal"/>
        <field name="preco" typeHandler="MoneyHandler"/>
        <field name="margem" typeHandler="CommaToDecimalPointerBigDecimal"/>
        <field name="custo" typeHandler="MoneyHandler"/>
        <segment name="categoria" class="com.nexccs.model.Categoria" lazy="true">
            <field name="descricao" typeHandler="CategoriaHandler"/>
        <segment name="unidadeMedida" class="com.nexccs.model.UnidadeMedida" lazy="true">
            <field name="descricao" typeHandler="UnidadeMedidaHandler"/>
        <segment name="fornecedor" class="com.nexccs.model.Fornecedor" lazy="true">
            <field name="id" typeHandler="FornecedorHandler" trim="true"/>
        <field name="tributacao" />
        <field name="ncm" />

Product class

@Entity @Table(name="produtos")
public class Produto implements Serializable{

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) 
private Long id;

private String codigo;

private String descricao;

csv file used

Excerpt from the code that parses and saves to db

StreamFactory factory = StreamFactory.newInstance();
        // load the mapping file
        factory.load(resourcePath_beanio + tabelaArquivo[0].toLowerCase() + ".xml");

        //create reader
        BeanReader in = factory.createReader(tabelaArquivo[0].toLowerCase(), new File(tabelaArquivo[1]));
        Object  entity;

        //list of details
        Set<Object> entities = new HashSet<>();

        //add details to list
        while ((entity = (Object) != null) {


        Class<AbstractDAO<Object, Long>> dao = (Class<AbstractDAO<Object, Long>>) Class.forName(packageRoot_dao + tabelaArquivo[0] + "DAO");


        //save details on DB
  • Post your object with annotations and xml;

  • The worst is that only the first csv file record happens this, the other records are normal.

  • he’s picking up the header, put your controller, where you do the Beanreader Instance

  • It was the header... I put a Skip at the time of reading and added a blank line in the files... I found it very strange the beanio not recognize only the details

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