Disable local data storage on my website


Viewed 34 times


I have a website where I have a user base where the software available is updated daily. When the software updates the site also updates.

Only, because browsers often store data the updated site does not update, which causes the problem where the link is outdated.

I tried to use the window.localStorage

window.localStorage = false;
delete window.localStorage;

any suggestions?

Edit 1 : an interesting thing is. in the part where the does not use ajax.load when I reload the page with Ctrl shift r it updates, but the parts where it has ajax.load does not...

  • The problem is related to ajax.load?

  • may be I don’t know for sure.

  • You said that some parts use ajax.load... the parts that don’t update are being pulled in these ajax.load or not necessarily?

  • the parts that are using ajax.load() are not updated but an interesting thing is. in the part where the is not used ajax.load when I reload the page with Ctrl shift r it updates, but the parts where you have ajax.load do not...

  • Try the following: in the page url in ajax.load, put a parameter with a random number that is generated each time the page is loaded

  • I’ve had problems with cached requests with service-worker.js. Have you tried importing these Avascripts by adding at the end of the route ?now={{ date.now }}

  • I tried to do both, using date.now and making a Rotary Master. the results were , the first time I reload with Ctrl shift r it reloads normal and loads the random numbers, but after the first time any time I reload with F5 it does not load the script

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