Error saving a collection of checkboxes


Viewed 12 times


Long live,

I am using Laravel 5.1 and after submitting a form that has a collection of checkboxes

array:3 [▼
  0 => "24"
  1 => "26"
  2 => "32"

I save the record and then enter the block of records into a related table

if( $auto->save() )
            $extras = $request['extra'];
            foreach( $extras as $extra)
                $extra = new AutoExtras;
                $extra->auto_id = $auto->id;
                $extra->extra_id = $extra;

This would be supposed to work however, creates the first record by placing the extra_id = 0 and gives the following error:

Errorexception in helpers.php line 685: Method App Autoextras::__toString() must Return a string value

What’s the matter?

1 answer


The error happens because, the same class instance variable name AutoExtras is the same name as the variable in foreach, just change the name of one or the other example:

if( $auto->save() )
    $extras = $request['extra'];
    foreach( $extras as $ex )
        $extra = new AutoExtras();
        $extra->auto_id = $auto->id;
        $extra->extra_id = $ex;

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