$_SESSION function does not work


Viewed 45 times


I am performing a process in my code, where the $_SESSION['test'] takes the value that returns from the bank, where it performs its function in parts, because if I have a single string, it loads the information perfectly, but if the string has space it does not recognize the whole value and brings the data in half. Example: if the bank returns the value "Test Street" the value that the $_SESSION returns is only "Street".

I wonder if the $_SESSION function does not recognize values with spacing and if there is any way to redeem this value and exchange the information between two PHP pages s.


<div class="col-md-9">
             <input type="text" class="form-control" id="end" name="end" value=<?php echo $_SESSION['endereco'] ?>><br>

Php updating the data:

$_SESSION['endereco'] = $consulta["endereco"] ;
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1 answer


The problem is in your HTML, not in PHP. When doing:

value=<?php echo $_SESSION['endereco'] ?>

If the session has white space, when HTML is generated, it would be:

value=Rua Teste

And following the HTML specifications, the browser will consider only "Street" as value of value and "Test" as a property. So that everything is considered as value it will be necessary to insert the quotation marks:

value="<?php echo $_SESSION['endereco'] ?>"

Remember also that to read the information you can use the tags <?= ?>:

value="<?= $_SESSION['endereco'] ?>"

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using <? instead of <?php?

  • I had made a test this way, but forgot that I tested in a line without separation of space kk, it worked worth!

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