How do I get the id of an input created by jsonform?


Viewed 34 times


Personal how do I get the id of an input created from a Json with the Jsonforms documentation plugin here. It uses Schemas and Forms to dynamically assemble html, but I’m not able to work with input id, I need to validate the fields with the event Blur. Here is an example of a schema created:

 function getSchemaNFI(dataMap) {

 var formObject = {
   "schema": {
     "RazaoSocialDoTomador": {
        "type": "string",
        "title": "Razão Social do Tomador"

 "form": [
        "type": "fieldset",
        "title": "Tomador",
        "items": [            

"value": {
    "RazaoSocialDoFornecedor": getFromDataMap("RazaoSocialDoFornecedor", dataMap),

  "params": {
    "fieldHtmlClass": "input-text"

return formObject;

1 answer


next, for you to be able to get the id of ANY element.... just use the ATTR function of jquery example

$("input").blur(function() {


  • Valeu man, had already decided, take the id of elements created with this plugin is not so simple, it creates several lists through json, but thanks for the help there.

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