Android Studio 3.0.1 Error: Gradle project Sync failed. Basic Functionality (e.g. Editing, debugging) will not work properly [SOLUTION]


Viewed 4,127 times


I installed Android studio 3.0.1 and tried to create the first application with the choice of an empty activity, but I get the message:

Project Gradle synchronization failed. Basic functionality (e.g., editing, debugging) will not work properly

and error message like this:

Unable to resolve dependency for ':app@releaseUnitTest/compileClasspath': Could not resolve Could not resolve Required by: project :app Could not resolve Could not parse POM Already Seen doctype.

enter image description here

enter image description here

and this is the first part of the log message is:

2018-01-03 11:11:12,671 [d thread 8] WARN - ect.sync.idea.Projectsetuptask - Already Seen doctype. Consult IDE log for more Details (Help | Show Log) 2018-01-03 11:11:12,671 [d thread 8] INFO - e.project.Sync.Gradlesyncstate - Gradle Sync failed: Already Seen doctype.

I tried some suggested solution, like change the version of Gradle, update the plugin of Kotlin (!) and so, but they did not work.

Any solution?

1 answer


Topical: Gradle project Sync failed. Basic Functionality (e.g. Editing, debugging) will not work properly

I was with this problem, after researching, I quite found the solution.

For those who have this problem in the future try to do this;

File > Settings > Search for: "Gradle";


Project level Settings > Marque (x) Use local Gradle Distribution;

In "Gradle home" you download this version: Gradle 4.3.1

Create a folder in c:/ named ". Gradle" and play the files inside it.

Going back to "Gradle home" you select the folder you created, if a message appears in the log, download what it sends.

That’s it, I hope it helped you.

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