Test equal values (data) in PHP


Viewed 428 times


Hello, I need to test if two dates are equal in PHP (current date x last working day of the month), the two are strings, but I’m not getting the result using the following code:

 if(strcmp($ultimo, $hoje) == 0)
     echo "<br><br>As duas datas são iguais";
     echo "<br><br>As duas datas são diferentes"; 

The calculation for the last working day is as follows::

 $mes = 07;
 $ano = 2014;
 $dias = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $mes, $ano);
 $ultimo = mktime(0, 0, 0, $mes, $dias, $ano); 
 $dia = date("j", $ultimo);
 $dia_semana = date("w", $ultimo);
 if($dia_semana == 0){
 if($dia_semana == 6)
 $ultimo = (string)mktime(0, 0, 0, $mes, $dia, $ano);

For the current date:

$hoje= date("d/m/Y"); 

The two dates show the result 31/07/2014, but I’m not getting equality in the result. If anyone can help.

  • 2

    The variable $ultimo is not in the format with which you are comparing.

3 answers


Using date()

 $mes = 07;
 $ano = 2014;
 $dias = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $mes, $ano);
 $ultimo = mktime(0, 0, 0, $mes, $dias, $ano); 
 $dia = date("j", $ultimo);
 $dia_semana = date("w", $ultimo);
 if($dia_semana == 0){
 if($dia_semana == 6)
 //repare que precisa-se de converter o mktime para date()
 $ultimo = date("d/m/Y",mktime(0, 0, 0, $mes, $dia, $ano));
 $hoje= date("d/m/Y"); 
 if ($ultimo==$hoje)
     echo "verdadeiro";
     echo "falso";

For PHP versions 5.2 or later


$timezone = new DateTimeZone('America/Edmonton');
$ultimo = DateTime::createFromFormat('j-M-Y', '$dia-$mes-$ano',$timezone);
$hoje=  new DateTime(null, $timezone);
if ($ultimo==$hoje)
    echo "verdadeiro";
    echo "falso";
  • Recalling that the TimeZone is optional. If not informed, the default server Timezone will be used.


You can use the strtotime function to generate an integer and then compare, see:

$dateIni   =   '01/08/2014';

$dateFim   =   '30/08/2014';

echo strtotime($dateIni)  ==  strtotime($dateFim) ? true : false;


Convert the dates to strtotime() and make the comparison, comparison in whole numbers becomes easier.

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