Ajax returning Undefined


Viewed 428 times


I put an Else in my php function and it’s falling into Else, but I have parameters to get from the url.

I have the following code in php:

$utm_source = $_REQUEST['utm_source'];
$utm_campaign = $_REQUEST['utm_campaign'];
$utm_medium = $_REQUEST['utm_medium'];
if($utm_source != '' || $utm_campaign != '' || $utm_medium != '')
    $x['x'] = $utm_source;
    $x['y'] = $utm_campaign;
    $x['k'] = $utm_medium;
    echo json_encode($x);

When I access the file directly through the browser with the parameters ? utm_source=xesquedele&utm_medium=site&utm_Campaign=partners it returns me:


But when I try to return it to an ajax it does not return me anything or Undefined.

        url: '/inchoo_quoteitemrule/ajax/sessiondesconto',
        method: "POST",
        success: function(retorno)
            alert('utm_medium: '+retorno['k']+' utm_source: '+retorno['x']+' utm_campaign: '+retorno['y']);

Return ajax: utm_medium: Undefined utm_source: Undefined utm_campaign: Undefined

  • Ever tried to put dataType:"json", in Ajax?

  • I posed, I managed to resolve the issue, but I had to use other methods.

1 answer


The superglobal $_REQUEST returns information from superglobals $_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE. In your first example you are sending this data via GET, I mean, by the url. And everything worked fine, since the data was being sent. Already in your second example you are not populating any of the 3 superglobals. Your ajax code will work if you order it this way

$j(document).ready(function() {
        url: '/inchoo_quoteitemrule/ajax/sessiondesconto',
        method: "POST",
        data:{utm_source: 'xesquedele',utm_medium:'site',utm_campaign:'parceiros'},
        success: function(retorno) {

Note that I am sending the data in the AJAX request via post. and the data return perfectly.

Remember that your Alert is not working because you are returning a string from your server. You need to turn this string into a Javascript object. To do this you can use the function jQuery.parseJSON(). It would look something like:

$j(document).ready(function() {
        url: '/inchoo_quoteitemrule/ajax/sessiondesconto',
        method: "POST",
        data:{utm_source: 'xesquedele',utm_medium:'site',utm_campaign:'parceiros'},
        success: function(retorno) {
            var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(retorno);
            alert('utm_medium: '+obj.k+' utm_source: '+obj.x+' utm_campaign: '+obj.y);
  • I cannot pass these values on "hand", I would have to take them dynamically according to the url and I cannot use a $_REQUEST and return it to php pq will cache.. The way will be I take by jquery the link and break it taking the values I would like, thank you.

  • It’s an option to do this.

  • I looked for a function for that. var url = Location.href.substring(Location.href.lastIndexOf('?') + 1) but then I’ll have to break the string and return, but at least it won’t cache..

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