Orderby lambda keeps changing with every search


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I have a search in lambda, in which refers information of a grid, but at each different query it changes the information of place:

Indicadores = (Pegatodos().Where(f => f.STATUS == "A")
                       .Select(x => new 
                         .OrderBy( x => x.SEQ)

it returns the main information of my grid:

NOME  datas    |   datas |  datas
seq    0           0         0
seq    0           0         0
seq    0           0         0
seq    0           0         0

but for each consultation of different date periods the position of the seq keeps changing, and I need you to stay in the same position.

  • Check the type of your SEQ attribute.

  • virtual type long in C# and number in BD

  • Can you please put in your question the code of Pegatodos()?

  • I am using the Entity framework, in which case the default Return Return enditades does not know exactly the code

2 answers


The change was occurring in the script even the same ordering done in C# I used in JS and it worked, Thanks

success: function (result) {
              var dataArray = [];
              var valarray = [];
              var datas = {}; 
              var total = 0;

              for (var j = 0, length = result.Datas.length; j < length; j++) {
                  var indicador = {};

                  for (var l = 0; l < result.Indicadores.length; l++) {
                      if (result.Datas[j].PKINDIC== result.Indicadores[l].PKINDIC) {
                          indicador.pkindic= result.Datas[j].PKINDIC;
                          indicador.descricao = result.Indicadores[l].DESCRICAO;
                          indicador.valor= result.Datas[j].VALOR;
                          indicador.dtas = result.Datas[j].DTA;
                          indicador.pkvari= result.Datas[j].PKVARI;


              //#region BubbleSort DataArray

              for (var cont = 0; cont < dataArray.length; cont++) {
                  for (var cont2 = 0; cont2 < dataArray.length - 1; cont2++) {
                      if (dataArray[cont2].dtas > dataArray[cont2 + 1].dtas) {
                          var temp = dataArray[cont2 + 1];
                          dataArray[cont2 + 1] = dataArray[cont2];
                          dataArray[cont2] = temp;


After taking all the results in 2 different arrays and moving to a single one with the information I needed, I used a bubblesort method to sort it out so, what did not have before and in the transformation of 2 arrays to 1 was reordering the information randomly and with this method after the transformation created a fixed ordering.

People thanks for the help, if anyone has any similar problem put here


Just reverse the OrderBy with the Select. The return of Select does not guarantee an ordered list:

Indicadores = (Pegatodos().Where(f => f.STATUS == "A")
              .OrderBy(x => x.SEQ)
              .Select(x => new { 
                  SEQINDICFINANC = x.SEQ, 
                  DESCRICAO = x.DESCRICAO, 
                  SIGLA = x.SIGLA })
  • Keep switching, with each search =/ Indicators = (Pegatodos(). Orderby(x => x.SEQ) . Where(f => f.STATUS == "A") . Select(x => new { SEQINDICFINANC = x.SEQ, DESCRIPTION = x.DESCRIPTION, ACRONYM = x.ACRONYM }) . Tolist())

  • Just so I know where these dates come from?

  • dates, comes from parameter of the method that is called a view and invoked by ajax, in case the user who chooses the period, explained right?

  • It is that I see no correlation with what is being executed. So my doubt. It may be another factor that is changing the order records.

  • well, the information goes back to a script that uses Indicators as a basis, and relates other information to generate the lines without reorganizing or changing the Indicators, just search for information using it as a basis, the strange thing is that this 'bug' only occurs when there are more than 3 records, I’ll debug here, and if I find an answer I post, thank you

  • is really changing the script , but in c# it is not ordering, the values of seq are scrambled I will try to sort by JS

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