Create a filter from a field value


Viewed 55 times


Good morning

I created two fields for selection. And one of them has a list of values. When selected the value, in another field, which will also have a list, I need to appear only the corresponding values.

In the example below, the code on the side relates the description on the right side. That way when I select code 411075145 I want the other selection field to look like the Agreement, Deposit and INSS Guide descriptions

411075145 - Agreement

411075145 - Deposit

411075145 - INSS Guide

Below the follows the code:

function  CarregarRelativo() {
    AddDropDownItem('Relativo', '', '');
    var data = GetListItems('02FC4BE9-B056-486D-A9C6-3743DF5F9257',"?$orderby=Title");
    if (data != null) {
        data.forEach(function(item) {
            AddDropDownItem('Relativo', item.DescricaoContaContabil,item.DescricaoContaContabil);
  • 1

    It’s a little confusing your question, you have a checkbox with code and another with another according to the selected code, I do not understand. Could explain better ?

  • Sorry, come on, let’s go. have two checkbox , at checkbox1 this the codes and at checkbox2 should list the texts according to the code selected at checkbox1.

1 answer


By your code can not help because I do not know what you are doing in Adddropdownitem.

But follow an example that gets the code from one and adds the description to another.

See if it fits.

		var ListCodigosDescricao = [];
    ListCodigosDescricao.push({Codigo: 12345151, Descricao:'Formulario 1'});
    ListCodigosDescricao.push({Codigo: 84574848, Descricao:'Formulario 2'});
    ListCodigosDescricao.push({Codigo: 45487548, Descricao:'Formulario 3'});
    var selectCodigos = $('#selectCodigos');
    $.each(ListCodigosDescricao, function(i, el){
    	selectCodigos.append('<option value="' + i + '">' + el.Codigo + '</option>');
    	var itemDaLista = ListCodigosDescricao[this.value];
        $('#selectDescricao').append('<option value="">' + itemDaLista.Descricao + '</option>');
<script src=""></script>
<label>Selecione um Código:</label>
<select id='selectCodigos'>
<label>Selecione uma Descrição:</label>
<select id='selectDescricao'>

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