Accent problem when generating epub with gitbook


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I’m having a hard time generating one epub using the gitbook. I performed the installation of gitbook-cli and nodejs, later configured the book.json file as follows:

    "title": "Distribuição Debian",
    "description": "...",
    "author": "Fábio",
    "language": "pt"

Only that by generating the epub the metadata as title, Description and Author are "truncated" with characters unrecognizable in place of accents...

Print of the above characters:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • It would be very interesting to have the print of the unreadable characters or the generated result

  • @Jeffersonquesado updated with print

  • I just got a similar error while opening a source file that was in ISO-8859-1 as if it were UTF-8. Also I did not find anything related to encoding in https:/

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