I have a problem with my effect on svg
added a triangles effect with svg
and js
in one of my sessions website as you can see works normally but needed to put this effect again in another session I’m calling the effect via class
and not by id
but it doesn’t work it only works in the first session follows the photos
First session running:
Notice that even the triangles do not appear because? so I understand javascript is only getting the first class
and the second it does not find so it does not activate the effect follows my codes:
/*SVG Background*/
var refreshDuration = 6000;
var refreshTimeout;
var numPointsX;
var numPointsY;
var unitWidth;
var unitHeight;
var points;
function onLoad()
var svg = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg');
var unitSize = (window.innerWidth+window.innerHeight)/20;
numPointsX = Math.ceil(window.innerWidth/unitSize)+1;
numPointsY = Math.ceil(window.innerHeight/unitSize)+1;
unitWidth = Math.ceil(window.innerWidth/(numPointsX-1));
unitHeight = Math.ceil(window.innerHeight/(numPointsY-1));
points = [];
for(var y = 0; y < numPointsY; y++) {
for(var x = 0; x < numPointsX; x++) {
points.push({x:unitWidth*x, y:unitHeight*y, originX:unitWidth*x, originY:unitHeight*y});
for(var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
if(points[i].originX != unitWidth*(numPointsX-1) && points[i].originY != unitHeight*(numPointsY-1)) {
var topLeftX = points[i].x;
var topLeftY = points[i].y;
var topRightX = points[i+1].x;
var topRightY = points[i+1].y;
var bottomLeftX = points[i+numPointsX].x;
var bottomLeftY = points[i+numPointsX].y;
var bottomRightX = points[i+numPointsX+1].x;
var bottomRightY = points[i+numPointsX+1].y;
var rando = Math.floor(Math.random()*2);
for(var n = 0; n < 2; n++) {
var polygon = document.createElementNS(svg.namespaceURI, 'polygon');
if(rando==0) {
if(n==0) {
polygon.point1 = i;
polygon.point2 = i+numPointsX;
polygon.point3 = i+numPointsX+1;
polygon.setAttribute('points',topLeftX+','+topLeftY+' '+bottomLeftX+','+bottomLeftY+' '+bottomRightX+','+bottomRightY);
} else if(n==1) {
polygon.point1 = i;
polygon.point2 = i+1;
polygon.point3 = i+numPointsX+1;
polygon.setAttribute('points',topLeftX+','+topLeftY+' '+topRightX+','+topRightY+' '+bottomRightX+','+bottomRightY);
} else if(rando==1) {
if(n==0) {
polygon.point1 = i;
polygon.point2 = i+numPointsX;
polygon.point3 = i+1;
polygon.setAttribute('points',topLeftX+','+topLeftY+' '+bottomLeftX+','+bottomLeftY+' '+topRightX+','+topRightY);
} else if(n==1) {
polygon.point1 = i+numPointsX;
polygon.point2 = i+1;
polygon.point3 = i+numPointsX+1;
polygon.setAttribute('points',bottomLeftX+','+bottomLeftY+' '+topRightX+','+topRightY+' '+bottomRightX+','+bottomRightY);
var animate = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg','animate');
function randomize() {
for(var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
if(points[i].originX != 0 && points[i].originX != unitWidth*(numPointsX-1)) {
points[i].x = points[i].originX + Math.random()*unitWidth-unitWidth/2;
if(points[i].originY != 0 && points[i].originY != unitHeight*(numPointsY-1)) {
points[i].y = points[i].originY + Math.random()*unitHeight-unitHeight/2;
function refresh() {
for(var i = 0; i < document.querySelector(".bg svg").childNodes.length; i++) {
var polygon = document.querySelector(".bg svg").childNodes[i];
var animate = polygon.childNodes[0];
if(animate.getAttribute('to')) {
animate.setAttribute('to',points[polygon.point1].x+','+points[polygon.point1].y+' '+points[polygon.point2].x+','+points[polygon.point2].y+' '+points[polygon.point3].x+','+points[polygon.point3].y);
refreshTimeout = setTimeout(function() {refresh();}, refreshDuration);
function onResize() {
document.querySelector(".bg svg").remove();
window.onload = onLoad;
window.onresize = onResize;
Note: Code taken from this site here
Thank you very much worked but it happens a problem like I did here it works in the first and in the second but the second works a little later and does not come back to work I will add this with this your answer in the link ai you give a look http://www.deepocean.com.br/2018/
– Felipe Henrique
the first session works normal and not already there in the last session works for a while after the triangles stop moving up the server of a look please
– Felipe Henrique
@Kirito I’ll take a look...
– Sam
beauty sent you the link there in the comments
– Felipe Henrique
only reinforcing any of the two codes you made if I put the two triangles work but the last one moves for a while and soon the top one is working normally
– Felipe Henrique
@Kirito Locate setTimeout within "refresh()"
– Sam
opa I found it what I do now? refreshTimeout = setTimeout(Function() {refresh();}, refreshDuration);
– Felipe Henrique
@Kirito Replace with this: refreshTimeout = setTimeout(Function() { refresh(); var bg_svg = $("div.bg"). first(). html(); $("div.bg"). each(Function(e){ if(e != 0) $(this). html(bg_svg); }); }, refreshDuration);
– Sam
You’re the guy it worked out ahahha vlw even
– Felipe Henrique