Multiple insert with php PDO and Mysql


Viewed 1,017 times


My situation,

A post form with a text input and two radios inputs.

Inputs are named respectively, nome[0] and tipo[0].

When one adds more form fields I put one .attr to stay nome[1] and tipo[1]" and successively as it adds more inputs.

  • I did this to have how to transfer and prepare their information via POST in my php 'upload' file.

  • It also helped me keep the radio buttons in the same group on different lines.

At the end, I would like to put these records in the Mysql table in a table, in the spaces name and guy.

So was the PHP


include 'conexao.php';

$nome = $_POST['nome'];  // Aqui pega input text, o valor do name="nome[0]".

$tipo = $_POST['tipo'];  // Aqui pega do input radio, o valor do name="tipo[0]".

  if (is_array($nome)){
    if (is_array($tipo)){
       foreach($nome as $valornome) {
         foreach($tipo as $valortipo) {
$carimbo = $con->prepare("INSERT INTO ingressos (nome,tipo) VALUES (?,?)");




It went wrong, but...!

I am managing to store only the correct radios, the name is cloned by the number of inputs generated :(


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Here the Mysql

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I’ve been seeing some in materials about before sending the data I have to organize the information I took from the vectors and then send, but I didn’t understand very well the texts I had access to...

In short, what is the path to situations like this? Imagining for example up to a third input option... I would love directions of themes and readings.

My knowledge is very artificial, I understand a little of what is happening but not the depth of the logic of the codes.

Thanks in advance!

  • The Insert went wrong this is the problem? the most practical is to leave the name of the fields like this name="nome[]" at the time of recovery are converted to an array.

2 answers


The problem is that you are running the INSERT twice as often, because the first foreach will go through all the names (2 inputs = 2 insert) and then go through all the "types" (2 inputs = +2 insert).

When you work with input this way, you have two alternatives.

Form 1: Use only one foreach in the input names, for example, and through ID capture the value of the input guy. Ex:


$nome = $_POST['nome'];  // Aqui pega input text, o valor do name="nome[0]".
$tipo = $_POST['tipo'];  // Aqui pega do input radio, o valor do name="tipo[0]".

if (is_array($nome) && is_array($tipo)){
    foreach($nome as $key => $valornome) {
        $carimbo = $con->prepare("INSERT INTO ingressos (nome,tipo) VALUES (?,?)");

        $carimbo->bindValue(1, $valornome, PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $carimbo->bindValue(2, $tipo[$key], PDO::PARAM_STR);


When we use the foreach, we can use 3 parameters: The array, A variable to capture the array index and a variable to capture the array value.

When I inform $key => $valornome i mean: "Capture the index of the array and store in the $key variable and capture and store the value in the $valuename variable".

Like $_POST['nome'] and $_POST['tipo'] has the same amount of data and follows the same indexes, I can simply take the index of one of them and access the value of another array. Ex:

$key will always receive this data at each step (0, 1, 2, 3, 4...) because the inputs come as follows nome[0], nome[1] etc. So I can use the value of $key to capture the other data. That way $tipo[0], $tipo[1], $tipo[2], $tipo[3], $tipo[4]...

Form 2: You can use inputs as a "multidimensional array". Ex:

<!DOCTYPE hml>
        <title>Title of the document</title>

        <form action="/index2.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                    <input type="text" name="data[0][nome]" value="Um" />

                    <input type="radio" name="data[0][tipo]" value="1" checked />

                    <input type="radio" name="data[0][tipo]" value="0" />

                    <input type="text" name="data[1][nome]" value="Dois" />

                    <input type="radio" name="data[1][tipo]" value="1" />

                    <input type="radio" name="data[1][tipo]" value="0" checked />

            <button type="submit">Enviar</button>

And in the PHP just use a foreach and capture the data in a array. Ex:


if (isset($_POST['data']) && is_array($_POST['data'])){
    foreach($_POST['data'] as $key => $value) {
        $carimbo = $con->prepare("INSERT INTO ingressos (nome,tipo) VALUES (?,?)");

        $carimbo->bindValue(1, $value['nome'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $carimbo->bindValue(2, $value['tipo'], PDO::PARAM_STR);

  • As for the possibilities above, about the same need, is there any question of performance? The first way you showed I didn’t understand how the second bindValue receives the [$key] information related to the $tipo. In itself if already check the two ? both $nome and $tipo. Thank you very much! gave it right here, and very practical the way to use! (:

  • 1

    @Yemoja edited my answer. I added a brief explanation. About performance, it’s basically the same thing, only change something if there are many inputs. No if I already check if both variables are arrays, if one of these conditions fails, the check returns false and the code below is ignored.


With these chained foreachs what happens is for element in $nome the second foreach runs and only then comes back the first one which basically combines all the values. For example if each array has 4 elements 16 Inserts will be generated when only 4.

Example combination - ideone

To correct this situation the first step is to combine the two arrays with array_map() where each element of $tipos and $nomes will be paired in a new array.

With the array mounted correctly you can already pass it directly on execute().

$nomes = !empty($_POST['nome']) && is_array($_POST['nome']) ?  $_POST['nome'] : array();
$tipos = !empty($_POST['tipo']) && is_array($_POST['tipo']) ? $_POST['tipo'] : array(); 

$novo = array_map(function($nome, $tipo){ return array($nome, $tipo);}, $nomes, $tipos);

foreach($novo as $item){       
    $carimbo = $con->prepare("INSERT INTO ingressos (nome,tipo) VALUES (?,?)");

Or alternatively:

$ingressos['nomesOK'] = !empty($_POST['nome']) && is_array($_POST['nome']);
$ingressos['tiposOK'] = !empty($_POST['tipo']) && is_array($_POST['tipo']);

if($ingressos['nomesOK'] && $ingressos['tiposOK']){
    $novo = array_map(function($nome, $tipo){ return array($nome, $tipo); }, $_POST['nome'], $_POST['tipo']);
    foreach($novo as $item){       
        $carimbo = $con->prepare("INSERT INTO ingressos (nome,tipo) VALUES (?,?)");

$nomes = array('fulano', 'joão', 'maria', 'george');
$tipos = array ('meia', 'inteira', 'meia', 'meia');

Given the following entries, array_map() converts them to the format:

Example array_map - ideone

    [0] => Array
            [0] => fulano
            [1] => meia

    [1] => Array
            [0] => joão
            [1] => inteira

    [2] => Array
            [0] => maria
            [1] => meia

    [3] => Array
            [0] => george
            [1] => meia

  • such ternary operators of the elements $nomes and $tipos is a way to compare and identify the contents of the array? I don’t know if I’m misinterpreting, but the : says that if you do not perform the first operation, then the array() is valid; in this case, why use the empty array() ? - thank you very much! enlightening his answer, made me know more subjects!! _

  • 1

    @Yemoja checks if variables are not empty (empty()) and if they are arrays otherwise sends an empty array this will avoid invalid entries to the array_map() has other forms of also.

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