How do I make a PHP friendly url?


Viewed 97 times


I would like to use this to mask the data contained in the url,. something similar to:

localhost/webservice/networks.php? parametro=1 by localhost/webservice/networks/consult/

how do I do that?


  • No use... I’ve done it anyway and always falls into error 404

  • Did you use Rewrite?

  • <Ifmodule mod_rewrite. c> Options +Followsymlinks Rewriteengine on Rewritecond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} ! -f Rewritecond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} ! -d Rewritebase / Rewriterule ([ /]*)/? $ /$1.php [QSA,L] </Ifmodule>

  • Try using a micro framework that already does this, I recommend Flight,is very easy to use:

  • @Gustavocamargo This looks like a cannon shot to kill bird...

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