List of all files that are within the Resource.Raw folder


Viewed 558 times


How to get all the files that are in the Resource folder and move to a list.

I am doing it manually, but now I need to take it dynamically and move to a list all the files that are in the Resource.Raw folder

string[] caminho = new string[2];
caminho[0] = "android.resource://" + PackageName + "/" + Resource.Drawable.a;
caminho[1] = "android.resource://" + PackageName + "/" + Resource.Drawable.b;

1 answer


Something like this could solve:

var files = Directory.GetFiles("android.resource://" + PackageName + "/", "*.*")
            .Where(s => s.EndsWith(".mp4"));
var caminho = new List<string>();
foreach (var item in files)
     caminho.Add("android.resource://" + PackageName + "/" + item);
  • Directory to grab all files from your directory (change as needed).
  • Foreach to fill a list of your files.
  • After knowing the names of the files that are in the folder how do I concatenate the full address of the folder with the names of the files?

  • Thiago only reinforcing what I really want is to get all the mp4 files from the folder with their full addresses as they will all play.

  • Good morning Luiz, I changed the function to get only files . mp4, and then add in the list the already concatenated files... Just check to see if this is the way to go.

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