I’m having a huge difficulty applying Javascript in my Angular project, I hit the setup to connect javascript in the project, but come on...
This is the Javascript file;
var Brewer = Brewer || {};
Brewer.MascaraCpfCnpj = (function() {
function MascaraCpfCnpj() {
this.radioTipoPessoa = $('.js-radio-tipo-pessoa');
MascaraCpfCnpj.prototype.iniciar = function() {
this.radioTipoPessoa.on('change', onTipoPessoaAlterado.bind(this));
function onTipoPessoaAlterado(evento) {
console.log('evento', evento);
return MascaraCpfCnpj;
$(function() {
var mascaraCpfCnpj = new Brewer.MascaraCpfCnpj();
And this is the excerpt from the Javascript file that was applied to the event;
<div class="ui-g-12 ui-lg-3 ui-md-6 ui-fluid">
<label for="id_FISICA">Tipo de Pessoa Física</label>
<div class="radio">
<p-radioButton class="js-radio-tipo-pessoa" name="group1" value="Física" id="id_FISICA" [(ngModel)]="tipo" inputId="tipo"></p-radioButton>
<div class="ui-g-12 ui-lg-3 ui-md-6 ui-fluid">
<label for="id_JURIDICA">Tipo de Pessoa Júridica</label>
<div class="radio">
<p-radioButton class="js-radio-tipo-pessoa" name="group1" value="Juridica" id="id_JURIDICA" [(ngModel)]="tipo" inputId="tipo"></p-radioButton>
Something was supposed to appear in the browser console when clicking on the radiobutton, but it appears absolutely nothing, nothing at all.
I’m open to suggestions
Why you are using jQuery and native Javascript events ?
– André Roggeri Campos
why does it work.
– wladyband