Error running SUM - SQL Server


Viewed 767 times


Guys, I’m trying to perform the SUM according to the query below, however, the following error occurs. " It is not possible to perform an aggregation function on an expression that contains an aggregation or a sub-allowance." The output is to exit this way.

Total_Horas   MesID        Mes     Ano
60             1         Janeiro   2018


sum(dbo.FN_CALC_HORAS_UTEIS(s.SolData,min(l.LogData))),datepart(month,s.SolData) MesID,datename(month,s.soldata) Mes,datepart(year,s.soldata) Ano
Solicitacao S
left join usuario U 
on (U.UsuID = S.UsuIDResponsavel) 
left join Status ST
on S.SolStatus = ST.CodStatus
left join Log L on L.LogSolID = s.SolID and (l.LOGDESCRICAO like '%1057%' or l.LOGDESCRICAO like '%3343%')
where S.proid in (2) and S.UsuIDResponsavel in(1776) and s.SolStatus <> 9 and convert(date,s.soldata) between '01-01-2018' and getdate()--and s.SolID = 65513
group by datepart(month,s.SolData),datename(month,s.soldata) ,datepart(year,s.soldata)

1 answer


Try this, with an external query:

    sum(horas_uteis) as soma_horas
from (
        dbo.FN_CALC_HORAS_UTEIS(s.SolData,min(l.LogData)) as horas_uteis
        datepart(month,s.SolData) MesID,
        datename(month,s.soldata) Mes,
        datepart(year,s.soldata) Ano
    from Solicitacao S
        left join usuario U on (U.UsuID = S.UsuIDResponsavel) 
        left join Status ST on S.SolStatus = ST.CodStatus
        left join Log L on L.LogSolID = s.SolID and (l.LOGDESCRICAO like '%1057%' or l.LOGDESCRICAO like '%3343%')
        S.proid in (2)
        and S.UsuIDResponsavel in (1776)
        and s.SolStatus <> 9
        and convert(date,s.soldata) between '01-01-2018' and getdate()--and s.SolID = 65513
) as X
group by MesID, Mes, Ano
  • Faustino, the following message occurred in his first query: "The 'Request.Weld' column is invalid in the selection list because it is not contained in an aggregation function or in the GROUP BY clause." . And in the second.

  • I think we are close then! Soldata is at GROUP BY! So we have to pass to FUNNTION the whole date!

  • Just one more question! The function receives what in the first parameter?

  • I edited the answer, try without the line of the first GROUP BY

  • the function receives the working hours between a certain period, in which case it is between the opening date (s. weld) and the minimum log date(l. logdata).

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