How do I see how much the function returns Python


Viewed 255 times


I made a script that returns the names of online players of a given game only that I wanted to tbm put the quantity. How would this structure for quantity return? I already tried to create a list and with it use the function Len plus it error.

import requests
import json

def Expert_serve():

    serve = "expert"
    url = requests.get('')
    response = url.json()
    for i in range(100):              
        if "IFATC" in response[i]["DisplayName"]:

teste = (Expert_serve())

print ('Jogadores online {}'.fotmat (len(teste))

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


This is because your program is not returning players, just printing their names. You can assemble a list (in the example done with list comprehension), use it as function return, then get its size:

import requests
import json

def Expert_serve():    
    serve = "expert"
    url = requests.get('')
    response = url.json()
    listaDeJogadores = [response[i]["DisplayName"] for i in range(100) if  "IFATC" in response[i]["DisplayName"]]
    return listaDeJogadores

lista = Expert_serve()
print("Lista de jogadores: ", lista)    
print ('Jogadores online: ',len(lista))

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