How to extract values from a json to insert into a table in Postgresql


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I need to migrate from sql server 2017 to the postgresql,but I never used postgresql and I’m having a hard time. I need to convert a array json for values that are inserted in the table.

In the sql server I used to use a insert with select openjson and the clause with to specify what I would take from json.

valores json := '[
insert into dbo.testedojson(valor,tipo)
select * 
from json_populate_record(NULL::dbo.testedojson,valores);

I took this example from internet to take a test,dbo.testedojson is the table that will receive the values but there is a syntax error that does not find.

1 answer


According to the documentation of Postgres 9.5 you can use the function json_populate_recordset

Expands the outermost array of Objects in from_json to a set of Rows Whose Columns match the record type defined by base (see note Below).

Expand from_json’s most external object array to a set of rows whose columns correspond to the type of record defined by the base (see note below).

Example taken from Git hub - bwestergard user - goes below:

INSERT INTO foo SELECT * from json_populate_recordset(null::foo,'[ 
} ]'); 

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