How to capture select value as a string in PHP?


Viewed 526 times


I am making a form in PHP, when it captures the data of a select it returns me only as 0 or 1, I would like it to show what the selected person:

<select class="form-control" name="pergunta1" required>
                                    <option selected="" value="">ESCOLHA SUA RESPOSTA</option>
                                    <option value="camuflado">CAMUFLADO</option>
                                    <option value="gancho">GANCHO</option>
                                    <option value="estimulante">ESTIMULANTE</option>
                                    <option value="lamina">LÂMINA SÔNICA</option>
                                    <option value="holopiloto">HOLOPILOTO</option>
                                    <option value="escudo">ESCUDO</option>
                                    <option value="cronossalto">CRONOSSALTO</option>

$resposta1 = isset($_GET['pergunta1'])?isset($_GET['pergunta1']):0;
$resposta2 = isset($_GET['pergunta2'])?isset($_GET['pergunta2']):0; 

echo "$resposta1";

When it returns echo it returns as 1 or 0, I would like it to return as string, for example if the person selected "camouflaged" q returns "camouflaged" instead of 1 or 0.

  • 1

    How about: $resposta1 = isset($_GET['pergunta1'])?$_GET['pergunta1']:0;?

  • mmmuuuuuiittooooo thanks, I’m too new still, I’m catching a lot. ma vlww

  • You’re welcome, good luck

  • and if I need to compare this value with if Else?? for example: <? php $resposta1 = isset($_GET['question1'])?($_GET['question1']): 0; $resposta2 = isset($_GET['Pergunta2'])?($_GET['Pergunta2']): 0; if($answer1 = HOW TO PLACE HERE VALUE "CAMOUFLAGED"?){ echo "camouflaged"; } Else;?>

  • leaves, I got here rsrsr

1 answer


You are double checking whether the variable sent to GET is set. In this case, just use:

$resposta1 = isset($_GET['pergunta1'])?$_GET['pergunta1']:0;

In the acimá example we verify if the variable $_GET['pergunta1'], through function isset(), is defined if we do not assign the value 0 to $_GET['pergunta1'].

Reference: Article.

References: isset(), if structure.


There is also a new comparison operator called Null Coalescence. Implemented from version 7.0 of PHP.

It basically replaces the isset() function. For example:

Your current line of code is this:

 $resposta1 = isset($_GET['pergunta1'])?$_GET['pergunta1']:0;

With the Null Coalescence Operator would be as follows:

$resposta1 = $_GET['pergunta1'] ?? 0;

You will get the same result, and this will help save time and line in your codes.

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