Why doesn’t Firefox display WEBP images?


Viewed 565 times


I made a slide on a site where I use images that were passed to me in WEBP format.

I thought it was all right because in Chrome everything was working. However I noticed that in Firefox (version 57.0.4) the images are not displayed.

I’d like to know:

  • Why does Firefox not render WEBP images? No support?
  • WEBP is only experimental (this question needs to be answered considering that we are in the year 2018)?

  • Which browsers have support?

  • 1

    It seems that firefox does not have webp support yet. But it is possible to make it work: http://www.habilelabs.io/webp-format-speed-improvement-making-cross-broswer-compatible/

  • 1

    Apparently there are few that have support, take a look at the caniuse https://caniuse.com/#search=webp

  • https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/46wxye/why_is_firefox_still_not_supporting_webp/

2 answers


Why does Firefox not render WEBP images? No support?

A: Yes, no support.

Which browsers have support?

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

WEBP is only experimental (this question needs to be answered considering that we are in the year 2018)?

A: About it being experimental, I think not because Chrome has been supporting Webp since version 23.

In Firefox for example there is a topic related to Webp support for the browser:



Updating the response, since Firefox now supports Webp.


Firefox has image support .webp since January 2019, from version 65 (see the ad). It is possible to see all browsers that support .webp on the website Can I use.... In the current versions listed, only Internet Explorer, Safari, iOS Safari and Kaios Browser do not have this support.

Support status in June/2020: Suporte dos navegadores ao WebP em Junho/2020

1 Partial support. Refers to not supporting lossless images (Lossless), alpha and animated Webp images.

2 Partial support. Refers to no support of animated Webp images.

About the Webp

About Webp being experimental, the answer is no. It was created on September 30, 2010, being experimental at the time, but in 2018 (date of the question) it was already something "concrete". I couldn’t find a date when it came to being considered "in production", but the first version of Google Chrome to support it (according to Can I use) was 32, released in 2014.

Webp is just a format like all the others, but it has features that made it increasingly adopted on the Internet, to be able to transfer images with fewer bytes with similar quality, more information can be found on Google website, in the FAQ and in this article. It is worth noting that Webp is an Open Source format.

And Internet Explorer and Safari?

Good, since the Internet Explorer no longer has Microsoft support, we can see that the Edge supports Webp, then Microsoft did "her part".

About Apple, despite some news from 2016 (cnet and Macmagazine) report that Apple was testing Webp support, nothing new has emerged since.

Some discussions were generated in the Apple forum questioning why not have this support (1, 2, 3 and 4), but no concrete answer. Just like it was with Firefox, only time will tell if Safari will have it, but probably not yet implemented because this format was created by Google and companies have their "intrigues".

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