Delphi: Internal Error: AV004C8D4A-R00000020-0


Viewed 60 times


I got the following error when compiling a project in Delphi 10.2.2:

[dcc32 Fatal Error] Internal Error: AV004C8D4A-R00000020-0.

I found nothing regarding this error code.

  • Would anyone know what this is about?
  • It is Delphi error or could be third party component?
  • Have you tried restarting Delphi?

  • It’s been going on for days.

  • Happens only with a specific project? Or with any project?

  • Hello, Andey. It happened only with a specific project, but it ran on other computers normally.

  • 1

    The problem was possibly in the version of Delphi 10.2.2. It was uninstalled and 10.2 was installed without the update. The project works normally in this version.

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