What is an embedded database (Embedded)?


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what is an embedded database, and what we call the "unbuilt"?

For example:

I’m trying to create a database by the H2 Database Engine, and it has two database options: Embedded or Server. You could explain these two guys better, and if there are others?

1 answer


Generally the term is used when the database access mechanism is bundled with the application, as opposed to having another application that your database communicates to access.

The best known embedded database is the Sqlite (and is also the most used world considering all types of DB).

In this case the product allows to function as well or as a server. Each one has its advantage.

For simple things that will run only on that machine it is usually better to use it embedded in the application. I just don’t know how good H2 is in this mode, it’s common to have some limitations, some products have too many limitations. But it tends to be faster and simpler to deploy and care for. Almost every website in the world (I’m not talking about web applications, many may, but most may not) may well be serviced by an embedded database, because the overwhelming majority of them have little access and little interaction. Rearquitetado "a little", probably this site (the same English version, one of the most accessed sites in the world, but that is practically an application) would run with Sqlite or some embedded DB, with advantages and disadvantages (it’s not that it’s that simple and I’m not saying it pays).

If you have several application instances wanting to access it at the same time, especially on different machines the server happens to be better, or even needed.

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