How to count repeated words in a string and find your position?


Viewed 905 times


Imagine the alphabet, in this alphabet there are words from A-Z, but suddenly there are several letters A, like:


The variable nomes below, is this alphabet. The variable procurar will only serve for me to choose which word repeated I want to see in the variable nomes.

In this model:

string procurar = "cachorro";
string nomes = "vaca cachorro vaca cachorro gato cavalo";
int index = ??
int total = ??

Anyone can help?

  • But count all the repeated words or just the word that is in the variable procurar ?

  • count the words that are in the variable nomes. The variable procurar serves to find the repeated name in the variable nomes.

1 answer


See if it helps you:

string procurar = "cachorro";
string nomes = "vaca cachorro vaca cachorro gato cavalo";
MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(nomes, procurar);
foreach (Match item in matches)
    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} = {1}", procurar, item.Index));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("achado {0} nomes ", matches.Count));

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