web api From Ri and From Body when to use?


Viewed 4,221 times

2 web api that serves [Frombody] and [Fromuri] and when there is real need to use ?


  public IHttpActionResult Get([FromUri] email)


  public IHttpActionResult Get([FromBody] email)


1 answer


There are two attributes for you to make explicit which will be the parameter Binding that your API will use. By default, the framework will map almost all objects as a JSON that comes in the request body (Datetime, Guid, are examples of objects that it will try to pick up from the URI), and all simple/primitive types as a value that will come in the request URI. So, if you want to do the reverse, you need to specify where the request is coming from.

Example, if you want to receive a string that comes in the body of your request, you must specify for the API: public IHttpActionResult GetPessoaPorNome([FromBody] string pessoa) {}

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