How to pass values from a list in Ionic3


Viewed 502 times


Talk guys, I’m breaking my head with something "presently" simple, more not so much... I have a simple json with id and name, with approximately 25 records, I have to take only the records selected by the user to generate a new screen as selected items, I’m doing it this way:


  <ion-item *ngFor="let dsc of disciplinas">
    <ion-label>{{ dsc.disciplina }}</ion-label>
    <ion-toggle (ngModel)="slcDisc[dsc]" checked="false"></ion-toggle>

In the controller when I view iten slcDisc[] it gives as a Undefined, my question is how to take these values from the controller side!?

  • can provide the controller code?

  • That’s what I’m trying to do on the controller and I’m not getting it! When I submit the form, I am checking the other fields with the console.log() and they are coming right, when I display the selected items in the toogle gives as Undefined!

1 answer


I did it a little differently. I don’t know if I made it too complicated, I mean, if there’s a simpler way to do it, but it works. The benefit here is that it is not necessary to go through "Submit" to have the changes in the controller.


    <ion-item *ngFor="let dsc of disciplinas">
      <ion-label>{{ dsc.disciplina }}</ion-label>
      <ion-toggle (ngModel)="slcDisc[dsc]" checked="false" (ionChange)="mudou(dsc.disciplina)"></ion-toggle>

  <button (click)="teste()"> Final</button>

import { Component } from "@angular/core";

    selector: 'teste-tog',
    templateUrl: 'teste-tog.component.html',
export class TestTogComponent {

    disciplinas: Array<{disciplina: string}> = new Array<{disciplina: string}>();
    slcDisc: Array<{disciplina: string}> = new Array<{disciplina: string}>();

        this.disciplinas.push({disciplina: 'portugues'}, {disciplina: 'matematica'}, {disciplina: 'geografia'});        


    mudou(disciplina: string){
        let indice = this.slcDisc.findIndex( (v) => {
            return v.disciplina == disciplina
console.log(indice + ' ' + disciplina);
        if ( indice == -1 )
            this.slcDisc.push({disciplina: disciplina})
            this.slcDisc.splice(indice, 1);


I only passed the discipline property for the method to change but vc tb can pass the entire dsc object. It would only be necessary to change the method signature.

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