Drag and Drop Fullcalendar


Viewed 78 times


The documentation of fullcalendar is well summarized and I’m having trouble coding Drag and Drop. Someone could shed some light on how to start this function?

eventDrop:function(event, delta, revertFunc) {

I’m still developing the code, but the above call does not run when I run the calendar.

  • Vanderlei put the code you already have and explain exactly what problem you’re having. Asking randomly like this is hard to give you an accurate answer. Be clearer on what you need.

1 answer


I don’t know if that’s your case, but I hope it helps. I use fullcalendar by primeng, in an Angular project. For the event in question I call a function:


And my job is:

    reschedule(event) {

      if ((addHours(event.event.start._d, 3).getTime() > addHours(new Date(), 1).getTime())) { //
        if (this.notHaveConflicts(addHours(event.event.start._d, 3), addHours(event.event.end._d, 3), event.event.id)) {
          // console.log('nao');

          this.event = event.event;
          this.event.startdb = this.dateToStringDB(addHours(event.event.start._d, 3));
          this.event.enddb = this.dateToStringDB(addHours(event.event.end._d, 3));
          this.event.status = 3;
          this.event.cancel_reason = result.reason;
          delete this.event.source;

          // console.log(this.event);

          this.toggle_events = this._eventsService.updateEvent(this.event).subscribe(
            response => {
              if (response.return) {
                // evento atualizado
              } else {
                // erro no banco/API
            err => {
              // erro no banco


        } else {
          // teve conflito
      } else {

In this project, the event is between 2 people, so I check the schedules in the API, if they collide, call the function:


and my event goes back to exactly where it was. The fullcalendar itself already guards the previous location to return, so in my case it was just call it that worked! = D

I hope I’ve helped!

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