Filter data table


Viewed 75 times


How to select only part of a table record?

Source data:


and I intended it to return only qsr01

I’m doing so, but then I can’t remove the data on the left

  SELECT left([coluna], CHARINDEX(':', [coluna]) -1 ) FROM [dbo].[tabela]   

2 answers


For this particular case, you could do so:

SELECT substring( nome_coluna, 5, 5 ) FROM tabela

But if the positions are different from record to record, you need to apply a smart rule. If so, post more information so we can help you.


Thanks for the tips

Solved the problem

DECLARE @teste varchar(100)
SET     @teste = '"brt_qsr01:NT"' 

select SUBSTRING(@teste,CHARINDEX('_',@teste)+1,CHARINDEX(':',@teste)-CHARINDEX('_',@teste)-1) 

Returns only the string I want: qsr01

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