I installed the lib Allegro 5 with the following script :
cd ~/Documentos
sudo apt install -y git build-essential subversion cmake xorg-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu-dev install libpng-dev libz-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libfreetype6-dev libjpeg-dev libvorbis-dev libopenal-dev libphysfs-dev libgtk2.0-dev libasound-dev libflac-dev libdumb1-dev install exuberant-ctags dvi2ps dvipdfmx latex2html pandoc
git clone https://github.com/liballeg/allegro5.git allegro
sudo mv ~/Documentos/allegro /opt
cd /opt/allegro && cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr .
sudo make install
So I created a file .c
, I imported the lib and compiled the code with the following commands : gcc -Wall -Wextra teste.c -o Test
and gcc -lallegro -Wall -Wextra teste.c -o Test
, received the following output :
/tmp/ccnmnCzr.o: na função `main':
teste.c:(.text+0x1c): referência indefinida para `al_create_display'
teste.c:(.text+0x34): referência indefinida para `al_map_rgb'
teste.c:(.text+0x61): referência indefinida para `al_clear_to_color'
teste.c:(.text+0x66): referência indefinida para `al_flip_display'
teste.c:(.text+0x7b): referência indefinida para `al_rest'
teste.c:(.text+0x87): referência indefinida para `al_destroy_display'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Does anyone know how to fix it, I looked it up, and I found answers like : Returned 1 Exit status - C code indicating syntax error correction, What does " collect2: error: Ld returned 1 Exit status " Mean ? indicating a possible error in the compilation process among other questions that have not made clear how to resolve, in this context of Allegro 5.
Codes I used to test :
# include <stdio.h>
# include <allegro5/allegro.h>
int main(){ // Este exemplo roda sem erros !
return 0;
And this example of Allegro itself ( This is the example that generates the error mentioned above ).
Obs : All programs, libs ... are up to date, I restarted the computer and tested other examples, but it’s still the same.
Ubuntu has /usr/lib32 or /usr/lib64?
– lemoce
This error happens if the GCC does not find Allegro’s Ibraries. This usually occurs on Linux’s which by default installs the Libraries in /usr/lib64. You have to modify the LIBDIR of the build process to /usr/lib64, because you can usually install it in the directory with the 32-bit libs. Check if that’s your case, please.
– lemoce
Neither of the two options you indicated, i.imgur.com/hpjWma1.png, just lib ... the process would be the same, I mean modifying Lib Dir ?
– user48471
so your machine is 32 bits? Or better your Linux is 32bits?
– lemoce
The machine is 64 / 86 ( I.imgur.com/hFgxO6N.png ) and the distribution is Ubuntu Budgie 64 Bits ( 17.10 )
– user48471
I know we’re supposed to be in the chat room, but run
find /usr -iname 'liballegro*'
, and you can see where you installed it. I can’t see the images because I’m behind a firewall.– lemoce
I’ll use the chat. I’ll call you there. And then I’ll post an answer.
– lemoce
Quiet, the images are just a confirmation for what I’m talking about in text ^ - ^. Most are in
– user48471
Let’s go continue this discussion in chat.
– lemoce