Use function in another Golang folder


Viewed 218 times


I created a pacote inside $GOPATH/src/ with a file meupacote.go who has the function main and another folder with the name productsthat holds the file products.go, in this my file products.go have a function getBySKU, how can I use this function in my main file meupacote.go? See the example below:

- meupacote
  - products
  - meupacote.go

I am trying to use it directly because it is "within the same package" and I only get the error that the function getBySKU is undefined, I also tried to define the function as "exportable" with GetBySKU and the same error remains.

1 answer


Within the structure that you put, you can define products as a package

products go.

package products

And in my meupacote.go you do import by the usual way, but setting meupacote as the root of products!

my pad.go

import ""

Remembering to define the function GetBySKU as exportable

  • 1

    Your reply helped me to reach the solution! thanks! but as I am creating in my $GOPATH to import it I had to put `import ""

  • True! I forgot that detail. I have already accepted the edition suggested by Mario Idival that corrects this

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