carry data to another page


Viewed 318 times


I’m frontending a login system and I’m using pure javascript for it. I can already log into the browser API and console to receive the data from the user who is logging in. This is my AJAX:

function loga() {

 console.log("Enviando post");

 let usuario = {

email: document.querySelector("#email").value,
senha: document.querySelector("#senha").value

let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "http:web/rest/logins", true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");

xhr.addEventListener("load", function() {


if( xhr.status == 200) {


if(xhr.status == 500) {

  var dadosInvalidos = document.querySelector('#dados-invalidos');


The ones that appear to me on the console are the id and the rest of the user data. What I need to know now is how do I carry the user id to the homepage, that is, the page that comes after the user logs in, and thus get the user profile mounted on it. How can I do that? Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance.

  • Take a look at sessionStorage:

  • So @Maxrogério I’m half layman and still can’t read documentations, so I’m using the Forum. You know how to do this?

  • It has nothing to do with your doubt but, if you allow me an opinion: Pass user and password via http is not a good idea! Ever thought about encrypting using a public key and decrypting on the server? I usually do this using jsencrypt.

  • So... I just develop forntend, I develop for a JAVA API created by my nephew, and I haven’t been a frontend developer for a long time, I don’t really know what jsencrypt is, but thanks for the tip, I’ll look into what it is

1 answer


You can transport the information between pages using both sessionStorage as localStorage, but both have different behaviors. The sessionStorage keeps the information while the browser tab/window remains open, while the localStorage keeps information even after the browser is terminated.

Both can be created using the method setItem(), ex.:

`sessionStorage.setItem("chave", "valor");`

To get the stored value you can use the method getItem(), ex.:


If you need to store complex objects, you can use the JSON.stringify() to store and then JSON.parse() to recover the value, ex.:

var obj = { a: "1", b: "2" };
sessionStorage.setItem("meuObj", JSON.stringify(obj));
var objRecuperado = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("meuObj"));

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