Javascript Startup of Objects


Viewed 862 times


I’m new to Javascript, and I’m using a framework Restangular written with Angularjs for HTTPS requests. I’m having a hard time initializing a literal object, with the following structure:

$scope.niveisDeAcesso = [
    {nivel:"LISTAR", selected: false},
    {nivel:"ADICIONAR", selected: false},
    {nivel:"EDITAR", selected: false},
    {nivel:"EXCLUIR", selected: false}

in that I initialized an object:

$scope.perfilDeAcesso = {}; 

here I initialized a array inside my object:

$scope.perfilDeAcesso.itensPerfilDeAcesso = []; 

the structure of my object at the end should be more or less that:

perfilDeAcesso = {itensPerfilDeAcesso[]} 

and itensperfilDecesso must have a structure similar to:

itemPerfilDeAcesso = { itemDeAcesso: {...}, niveisDeAcesso: [...]}

My problem

Cannot set Property xxx of Undefined

is in initializing the itensPerfilDeAcesso, so that I can receive the itemDeAcesso:

Restangular.all('itemdeacesso').getList().then(function(itens) { 
    for (var int = 0; int < itens.length; int++) {
        $scope.perfilDeAcesso.itensPerfilDeAcesso[int].itemDeAcess = 
        $scope.perfilDeAcesso.itensPerfilDeAcesso[int].niveisDeAcesso = 
  • Hi, Luiz, welcome to []. Please check out the guide

  • This question seems to be decontextualized because it solves a specific problem of the PA and will serve no one else in the future.

1 answer


Like $scope.perfilDeAcesso.itensPerfilDeAcesso is an empty array, $scope.perfilDeAcesso.itensPerfilDeAcesso[int] returns undefined. You must initialize it as an empty object before assigning properties to it:

for (var int = 0; int < itens.length; int++) {
    $scope.perfilDeAcesso.itensPerfilDeAcesso[int] = {}; // inicialização do objeto
    $scope.perfilDeAcesso.itensPerfilDeAcesso[int].itemDeAcess = 
    $scope.perfilDeAcesso.itensPerfilDeAcesso[int].niveisDeAcesso = 

We can also rewrite this code more cohesively using the literal object syntax:

for (var int = 0; int < itens.length; int++) {
    $scope.perfilDeAcesso.itensPerfilDeAcesso[int] = {
        itemDeAcess: UtilService.limparDados(itens[int]),
        niveisDeAcesso: angular.copy($scope.niveisDeAcesso)
  • 2

    I researched a lot and found nothing, with three characters I solved my problem, thank you!

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