Remove Xnamespace in Xelement c#


Viewed 157 times


I am in need of removing the Xnamespace that enters as default on an rss return. Follow the code below:

 static void Main(string[] args)

        XNamespace ns = "";

         var item = new XElement(ns + "content",
         new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "media", ns),
         new XAttribute("duration", "512"),
         new XAttribute("type", "video/mp4"),
         new XAttribute("url", ""),
         new XElement(ns + "thumbnail", new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "media", ns),
         new XAttribute("url", ",,17611287_403,00.jpg"),
         new XAttribute("type", "image/jpeg"),
         new XAttribute("height", "480"),
         new XAttribute("width", "853")),
         new XElement(ns + "title",
         new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "media", ns), "Video caption"),
         new XElement(ns + "description",
         new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "media", ns), "description"),
         new XElement(ns + "copyright",
         new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "media", ns), "Francisco Cunha, 2014"));

  • Can you please put in your question which XML is expected and which XML is being generated?

  • I need to remove the xmlns:media="" value by only returning the nos values without it for example the value in <media:copyright>Francisco Cunha, 2014</media:copyright> not so <media:copyright xmlns:media="">Francisco Cunha, 2014</media:copyright> I’m mounting an rss and have to remove this xmlns from all the ones I’m riding.

1 answer


This is because you are forcing the name of namespace as media:

new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "media", ns),

Switch to:

new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns, ns),

This should generate the following root element:

<content xmlns="">

The other elements should also have the "media" removed, so that tags are generated without the name of namespace.

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