Resize to elements and not browser window


Viewed 129 times


Help me with a quick question.

jquery resize identifies when the browser window is changed and fires an Event. So far so good.

But is there any way I can tell when an element is changed? When I change his size?

In this case, resize doesn’t help me. Some help?

  • It depends on how this resize is done. Have some example?

  • Yes of course. for window is done this way $(window).resize.... but I wanted to identify a change in an element.. type $("#div-tal").resize... But it doesn’t work because the resize is only for the window and not elements.

  • do not say to fire the event... how is resized the element?

  • It’s a textarea type field.. and I’d like to know when it increases height. Whenever I change the size I wanted to identify that changed so I can trigger actions in the layout. The more the user types and increases.. I trigger changes.

  • the textarea does not increase alone... has some plugin or programming that does this?

  • It increases. Just go into css and put auto resize and it will increasing alone understands. And when that happens, I want to identify just like in a window.

  • You want to know when it changes width or height height? or any of the two?

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1 answer


You can use the code below that will listen to any changes in textarea and run the code you want where I commented // faz alguma coisa aqui:

Included the window resize case to textarea be responsive. If it is fixed width, no need. Just change this line $(window, "textarea").on("input resize", function(){ for ta_el.on("input", function(){.

var ta_el = $("textarea");
var ta_width = ta_el.width();
var ta_height = ta_el.height();
$(window, "textarea").on("input resize", function(){
   if(ta_el.height() != ta_height || ta_el.width() != ta_width){
      ta_width = ta_el.width();
      ta_height = ta_el.height();
      console.log("tamanho do textarea alterado"); // apenas para visualizar, pode apagar esta linha
      // faz alguma coisa aqui

An example:

// função apenas para exemplificar. NÃO COPIE
function auto_grow(element) { = "5px"; = (element.scrollHeight)+"px";

var ta_el = $("textarea");
    var ta_width = ta_el.width();
    var ta_height = ta_el.height();
    $(window, "textarea").on("input resize", function(){
       if(ta_el.height() != ta_height || ta_el.width() != ta_width){
          ta_width = ta_el.width();
          ta_height = ta_el.height();
          console.log("tamanho do textarea alterado"); // apenas para visualizar, pode apagar esta linha
          // faz alguma coisa aqui
textarea {
    resize: none;
    width: 100%;
    min-height: 50px;
<script src=""></script>
<textarea oninput="auto_grow(this)"></textarea>

  • Thank you very much. That’s what I was looking for. Your code helped me so much. Vlw. I didn’t know the window worked this way. I’m grateful.

  • @Dávilandré I’m glad. If you can mark in the answer, this is important for us. Valew!

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