Syntaxerror: Missing ) in Parenthetical


Viewed 265 times


I’m trying to use the code of that website, but when I run, the error appears:

Syntaxerror: Missing ) in Parenthetical

I am unable to locate the error. See below:

<div class="comment-form-container">
        <form id="frm-comment">
            <div class="input-row">
                <input type="hidden" name="comment_id" id="commentId"
                    placeholder="Name" /> <input class="input-field"
                    type="text" name="name" id="name" placeholder="Name" />
            <div class="input-row">
                <textarea class="input-field" type="text" name="comment"
                    id="comment" placeholder="Add a Comment">  </textarea>
                <input type="button" class="btn-submit" id="submitButton"
                    value="Publish" /><div id="comment-message">Comments Added Successfully!</div>

    <div id="output"></div>
            function postReply(commentId) {

            $("#submitButton").click(function () {
                   $("#comment-message").css('display', 'none');
                var str = $("#frm-comment").serialize();

                    url: "comment-add.php",
                    data: str,
                    type: 'post',
                    success: function (response)
                        var result = eval('(' + response + ')');
                        if (response)
                            $("#comment-message").css('display', 'inline-block');
                        } else
                            alert("Failed to add comments !");
                            return false;

            $(document).ready(function () {

            function listComment() {
                        function (data) {
                               var data = JSON.parse(data);

                            var comments = "";
                            var replies = "";
                            var item = "";
                            var parent = -1;
                            var results = new Array();

                            var list = $("<ul class='outer-comment'>");
                            var item = $("<li>").html(comments);

                            for (var i = 0; (i < data.length); i++)
                                var commentId = data[i]['comment_id'];
                                parent = data[i]['parent_comment_id'];

                                if (parent == "0")
                                    comments = "<div class='comment-row'>"+
                                    "<div class='comment-info'><span class='commet-row-label'>from</span> <span class='posted-by'>" + data[i]['comment_sender_name'] + " </span> <span class='commet-row-label'>at</span> <span class='posted-at'>" + data[i]['date'] + "</span></div>" + 
                                    "<div class='comment-text'>" + data[i]['comment'] + "</div>"+
                                    "<div><a class='btn-reply' onClick='postReply(" + commentId + ")'>Reply</a></div>"+

                                    var item = $("<li>").html(comments);
                                    var reply_list = $('<ul>');
                                    listReplies(commentId, data, reply_list);

            function listReplies(commentId, data, list) {
                for (var i = 0; (i < data.length); i++)
                    if (commentId == data[i].parent_comment_id)
                        var comments = "<div class='comment-row'>"+
                        " <div class='comment-info'><span class='commet-row-label'>from</span> <span class='posted-by'>" + data[i]['comment_sender_name'] + " </span> <span class='commet-row-label'>at</span> <span class='posted-at'>" + data[i]['date'] + "</span></div>" + 
                        "<div class='comment-text'>" + data[i]['comment'] + "</div>"+
                        "<div><a class='btn-reply' onClick='postReply(" + data[i]['comment_id'] + ")'>Reply</a></div>"+
                        var item = $("<li>").html(comments);
                        var reply_list = $('<ul>');
                        listReplies(data[i].comment_id, data, reply_list);

When I try to visualize on the console, the following form appears:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1

    Apparently your code is ok(, it must be something with Sponse :> '('+Sponse+ ') '

  • 1

    I didn’t understand that: eval('(' + response + ')');... do you want to run a sponse within parentheses? The error should be in this.

  • Thank you very much, guys. That’s exactly what it was.

  • @Fox.11 publishes the answer

  • Hello Paul. Published ;)

1 answer


According to the DVD tip and Paulohdsousa, I made the change below and it worked correctly:

$("#submitButton").click(function () {
                $("#comment-message").css('display', 'none');
                var str = $("#frm-comment").serialize();

                    url: "comment-add.php",
                    data: str,
                    type: 'post',
                    success: function (response)
                      //  var result = eval('(' + response + ')');
                        if (response)
                            $("#comment-message").css('display', 'inline-block');
                        } else
                            alert("Failed to add comments !");
                            return false;

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