How to check if the server is sending content using GZIP compression?


Viewed 125 times


Is there any browser feature to check if the server is sending content (HTML, JS, JSON, CSS, etc.) using gzip compression?

1 answer


You can use the google extension called pagespeed:

But in a quick way... If you use Google Chrome press F12 and you will be taken to Developertools (a small window under your browser). There you will go to the Network tab and there you will see all the requests made for your website, look for the key Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate.

If this exists your site uses GZIP :D


In Response Headers there is the Content-Encoding:gzip key there should be gzip.

  • My question is precisely why Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate at all times appears in the tab network, even when you’re not using.

  • Okay come on.... In Response Headers there is the key Content-Encoding:gzip ? I forgot to specify that part.

  • Now I found, it is in the same Response. It was worth the force. I recommend that you update the answer with the information.

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