How to navigate on Ionic tables


Viewed 335 times


Hello! I created the tabs in my html of Ionic and I want when I click open the target page, appear the tabs right but when clicking only changes the icons to active and do not arrow the page, my code so in home.html

      <ion-tab [root]="homeRoot" tabTitle="Chat" tabIcon="information-
      <ion-tab [root]="listroot" tabTitle="Chat" tabIcon="information-

code on home.ts

 export class HomePage {

 homeRoot = ChatPage
 listroot = ListPage

 constructor(public navCtrl: NavController) {} }
  • Run a test, put your page assignment as a string. Ex: homeRoot = 'ChatPage';

1 answer


Put the name to the tab

<ion-tabs #myTabs>

@ViewChild('myTabs') tabRef: Tabs;; //1 é o índice da tab

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