Starting with Xamarin


Viewed 80 times


I got interested in Xamarin and decided to test the short time, the problem is that all the tutorials I saw have the option "Portable", and in visual studio 2017 does not have, even for android as for cross Plataform (I have no mac).

When I open a "Blank App (Android)" it opens different from other tutorials, for example:

My code:

    namespace App14
    [Activity(Label = "App14", MainLauncher = true)]
    public class MainActivity : Activity
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

            // Set our view from the "main" layout resource

    namespace App14
    [Activity(Label = "App14", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@drawable/icon")]
    public class MainActivity : Activity
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

            // Set our view from the "main" layout resource

            Button button = FindViewButtonId<Button>(Resource.Id.MyButton);

            Button.Click +- delegate { button.Text = string.Format("{0} clicks!", count++ ")}


And with that I get lost, I did not find any updated and explanatory tutorial

1 answer


The path to creating PCL projects is somewhat different in the latest versions of visual studio. Go to File > New Project > Cross-Platform > Cross-Platform App (Xamarin.Forms). In the code sharing strategy or Code Sharing Strategy select ". NET Standard". Done this the VS will create a PCL project.

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