I am trying to make a table that receives the numbers coming from an SQL query and according to the frequency of each of them, change the background.
An example (taken from an Internet site):
I get a array()
as the following of the query (example):
[intConcurso] => 1599
[dataConcurso] => 2017 - 12 - 15
[num0] => 1
[num1] => 3
[num2] => 4
[num3] => 5
[num4] => 6
[num5] => 8
[num6] => 9
[num7] => 10
[num8] => 14
[num9] => 18
[num10] => 20
[num11] => 21
[num12] => 22
[num13] => 23
[num14] => 25
With that I tried the following:
if ($f["num0"] == "1") {
if ($freq_1 == 1) {
$cor_1 = "#e7b5b5";
} elseif ($freq_1 == 2) {
$cor_1 = "#de8c8c";
} elseif ($freq_1 == 3) {
$cor_1 = "#d66363";
} elseif ($freq_1 == 4) {
$cor_1 = "#ef4a4a";
} else {
$cor_1 = "#db0000";
} else {
$cor_1 = "#ffffff";
$freq_1 = 1;
<td style="background-color: <?= $cor_1 ?>; margin: 20px 0;"> 1 </td>
This for each number of the 1 at the 25. As it is a lot of data I created a loop that did this:
for ($p = 0; $p <= 14; $p++) { // $f['num0'] a $f['num14']
for ($i = 1; $i <= 25; ++$i) { // números 1 a 25
echo htmlspecialchars('<? ') . '<br>';
echo 'if ($f["num' . $p . '"] == "' . $i . '") {' . '<br>';
echo 'if ($freq_' . $i . ' == 1) {' . '<br>';
echo '$cor_' . $i . ' = "#e7b5b5";' . '<br>';
echo '$freq_' . $i . '++;' . '<br>';
echo '}' . '<br>';
echo 'elseif ($freq_' . $i . ' == 2) {' . '<br>';
echo '$cor_' . $i . ' = "#de8c8c";' . '<br>';
echo '$freq_' . $i . '++;' . '<br>';
echo '}' . '<br>';
echo 'elseif ($freq_' . $i . ' == 3) {' . '<br>';
echo '$cor_' . $i . ' = "#d66363";' . '<br>';
echo '$freq_' . $i . '++;' . '<br>';
echo '}' . '<br>';
echo 'elseif ($freq_' . $i . ' == 4) {' . '<br>';
echo '$cor_' . $i . ' = "#ef4a4a";' . '<br>';
echo '$freq_' . $i . '++;' . '<br>';
echo '} else {' . '<br>';
echo '$cor_' . $i . ' = "#db0000";' . '<br>';
echo '$freq_' . $i . '++;' . '<br>';
echo '}' . '<br>';
echo '} else {' . '<br>';
echo '$cor_' . $i . ' = "#ffffff";' . '<br>';
echo '$freq_' . $i . ' = 1;' . '<br>';
echo '}' . '<br>';
echo '?>' . '<br>';
echo htmlspecialchars('<td style="background-color: ') . htmlspecialchars('<?= ') . '$cor_' . $i . htmlspecialchars(' ?>') . ';' . htmlspecialchars(' margin: 20px 0;"> ' . $i . ' </td>');
echo '<br>';
The full page would be here:
<div class="row">
<div id="resultadoFiltro">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<i class="fa fa-filter"></i>
Frequência das dezenas
<div class="panel-body" style="overflow-x: scroll;">
<div class="row center">
<div class="col-sm-12" style="">
<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
<th class="center"> Conc </th>
<th class="center"> 1 </th>
<th class="center"> 2 </th>
<th class="center"> 3 </th>
<th class="center"> 4 </th>
<th class="center"> 5 </th>
<th class="center"> 6 </th>
<th class="center"> 7 </th>
<th class="center"> 8 </th>
<th class="center"> 8 </th>
<th class="center"> 10 </th>
<th class="center"> 11 </th>
<th class="center"> 12 </th>
<th class="center"> 13 </th>
<th class="center"> 14 </th>
<th class="center"> 15 </th>
<th class="center"> 16 </th>
<th class="center"> 17 </th>
<th class="center"> 18 </th>
<th class="center"> 19 </th>
<th class="center"> 20 </th>
<th class="center"> 21 </th>
<th class="center"> 22 </th>
<th class="center"> 23 </th>
<th class="center"> 24 </th>
<th class="center"> 25 </th>
foreach ($resultados_sorteios as $f) {
$f = array_unique($f);
$freq_1 = 1;
$freq_2 = 1;
$freq_3 = 1;
$freq_4 = 1;
$freq_5 = 1;
$freq_6 = 1;
$freq_7 = 1;
$freq_8 = 1;
$freq_9 = 1;
$freq_10 = 1;
$freq_11 = 1;
$freq_12 = 1;
$freq_13 = 1;
$freq_14 = 1;
$freq_15 = 1;
$freq_16 = 1;
$freq_17 = 1;
$freq_18 = 1;
$freq_19 = 1;
$freq_20 = 1;
$freq_21 = 1;
$freq_22 = 1;
$freq_23 = 1;
$freq_24 = 1;
$freq_25 = 1;
<td> <?= $f['intConcurso'] ?> </td>
<!-- Aqui fica o resultado do loop criado no código acima -->
Still it’s not working. I’m traveling somewhere here in my logic or is there some other lean way of doing?
Where the frequency values come from?
– Woss
What is the logic of assigning the red bands to the various frequencies ?
– Isac
@Andersoncarloswoss what values? They have no values. Just set by me right after the
, where I start all with 1. @Isac to demonstrate that the number is leaving many times.– jsnow
But the background color will not vary according to the frequency? As it has no values?
– Woss
You see, the values (numbers that came out in the contest) come from the database. That’s all. So I kind of "count" if the number X came out 1 time, 2 times, 3 times. Anyway, maybe my logic is wrong.
– jsnow
"to demonstrate that the number is coming out often" But the 25 seems to me less red than the 19 for example. I couldn’t understand the correlation between colors and numbers.
– Isac
@Isac the image has no relation to my code, it was taken from a website on the Internet. It was just to illustrate. I edited the question with this information.
– jsnow
Frequencies are the values that come in
, etc. ?– Isac
@Isac what comes in
etc, are the numbers drawn in the lottery. They are the drawn numbers of the day. They change with each draw. The numbers vary from 1 to 25.– jsnow
@Andersoncarloswoss through what you commented, I had a light and I managed to resolve. Thank you very much!
– jsnow