How to Recover Data from Input to Codebehind


Viewed 327 times


My question is the following: I have my HTML code and I am validating the fields with Javascript, but I would like to call the function and pass the value in Codebehind. Example String name = uname(my input);

It is possible ?

 <!--Form de Login -->
    <input type="text" runat="server" placeholder="Nome de Usuario" name="uname" id ="uname" onkeydown ="return soLetra();" onkeyup="return AutoTabular(40, uname, psw);" onkeypress ="return LimiteMaximoTextArea(uname, 15)" onclick ="return AlterarCampo(uname);"/>

    <input type="password" runat="server" placeholder="Senha" name="psw" id ="psw" onkeypress="return LimiteMaximoTextArea(psw, 8);"/>

    <button type="submit" runat="server"  onclick ="teste2()">Login</button>

1 answer


If you are using Web Forms, it would be appropriate to use the controls of the (<asp:TextBox>).

whereas validation is being carried out with javascript you could do the following:

  • Perform your validation javascript in a function that will return a bool
  • If it is returned true, your will be made the PostBack

In the following example, ValidarForm() would be your job javascript:

<asp:Button ID="btnEntrar" Text="Entrar" OnClientClick="return ValidarForm();" OnClick="btnEntrar_Click" UseSubmitBehavior="false" runat="server" />

Note: The ideal is really that you use the web Controls of in order to be able to access the data by code Behind

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