Difference between :80 and other doors


Viewed 115 times


I have a hosting problem where I will not be able to raise my application in the standard port :80, as a solution presented to me have indicated to climb it in a different door, example :3000, and direct the link to the given port. Questions:

  1. Will performance be changed? Because it is not the standard access port.
  2. The site may be blocked because it is accessing a non-standard port in some cases?

1 answer


Will performance be changed? Because it is not the standard access port.

If you access directly there will be no performance loss.

But if someone takes this address and ends up carelessly taking the door will give problem.

The site may be blocked because it is accessing a non-standard port in some cases?

Yes, in many places only port 80 can be accessed, one of the reasons to do for web (the protocol, not the UI).

I find it strange to have this limitation. I don’t know the context, but consider switching providers if there is no solution on their part.

  • I hired this hosting https://hostmach.com.br, they inform that the nodejs can be hosted, but they do not inform that can not use the correct port or something of the kind, it was a mistake of mine not to have searched more about, but also bad faith/ lack of knowledge of the hosting, support is ridiculous and the host is super slow. I already switched providers as indicated, I went to Azure anyway.

  • 1

    for me today should no longer use small providers, and I’ve been owner of one (still exists, but I don’t get new customers, only use for my projects, and in practice it is in a large provider).

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