Capture a record in a table and then insert it into the database


Viewed 129 times


I’m developing a service order registration form for a workshop. I need the registered service to be linked to an already registered customer.

For this I created a search form where the user can search the registered clients and select only one.

In the form I have:

<div class="form-group">
    <label>Localize o Cliente</label>
    <div class="input-group">
        <input type="text" class="form-control" name="cliente" id="cliente" placeholder="Informe o nome do cliente para fazer a busca">
        <span class="input-group-btn">                                                                                  
           <button class="btn btn-secondary" type="button" id="buscar">Buscar!</button>                                                                              
<div id="dados">aparece os dados aqui</div>

As demonstrated in div id="data", the data is displayed after a query in the BD. To fetch the data without refresh in the browser I used AJAX.

function buscar(cliente) {
       var page = "busca_cliente.php";
           type: 'POST',
           dataType: 'html',
           url: page,
           beforeSend: function () {
           data: {palavra: cliente},
           success: function (msg) {
   $("#buscar").click(function (){

The file that brings the data is the search client.php

// claro, antes existem as linhas de conexão e busca, estão funcionando e os dados estão na variável $query 
<table class="table" id="tabela">
        foreach ($query as $linha) {
                <td id="selecao"> <?php echo $linha->nome ?> </a></td>
                <td> <?php echo $linha->telefone . ' ou ' . $linha->celular ?></td>
} else {
    echo "Cliente não encontrado";

I need to allow the user to select only one value in that table, when selecting a row the value is displayed in a label, for example the client’s name, and the client’s id is stored in a variable for then I do the Insert in the service table.

I’ve searched the net and I haven’t seen anything like it, if anyone can help me.

1 answer


First observation is to create a id only for the td in the loop foreach. Put the id of the customer instead of selecao:

    <td id="<?=$id_cliente?>"> <?php echo $linha->nome ?> </a></td>
    <td> <?php echo $linha->telefone . ' ou ' . $linha->celular ?></td>

Use the jQuery below to capture the id and play in the variable var id_cliente and add the client name to the <caption> (that caption I put just as example, you create something else):

$(document).on("click","#tabela td a",function(e){
   var id_cliente = $(this).parent().attr("id");
   $("#tabela caption").text($(this).text());

See an example working:

$(document).on("click","#tabela td a",function(e){
   var id_cliente = $(this).parent().attr("id");
   $("#tabela caption").text($(this).text());
   console.log(id_cliente); // apenas para verificar o valor
<script src=""></script>
<table class="table" id="tabela">
          <td id="id1"> <a href="">Nome 1</a></td>
          <td> telefone</td>
          <td id="id2"> <a href="">Nome 2</a></td>
          <td> telefone</td>
          <td id="id3"> <a href="">Nome 3</a></td>
          <td> telefone</td>

If you are going to use the variable id_cliente in another function, remove the var:

$(document).on("click","#tabela td a",function(e){
   id_cliente = $(this).parent().attr("id");
   $("#tabela caption").text($(this).text());
   console.log(id_cliente); // apenas para verificar o valor
  • Dude, that’s the idea, only in the example you gave me the data are static and in a single file. In my case I have the file with the form for the search. I put the caption that suggested me in this file because that’s where I want the client name to be displayed. I have another file that searches the database and displays the data in a table and this table is called in the form through a javascript function. It turns out that clicking the link in the table is giving a refresh on the page by calling losing the data. If necessary I send you the complete files.

  • perfect, that’s right... Now I need to put the link text in an input(id='value') in the form. Would that be? $(Document). getElementById('value'). text($(this).text());

  • Of course, getElementById cannot be... :-|

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