Send parameters via GET to a friendly URL


Viewed 453 times


I have a page that the URL friendly is more or less like this:

And the real URL is like this:

I’m using IIS to develop, so configure the web-friendly Urls.config. When to access this page: q=test

Works correctly, the user-friendly URL works and the sent parameter "q" appears correctly in my PHP programming.

However, when uploading to the Linux server, where user-friendly Urls are configured in htaccess, that same URL: q=test

It even works by loading the right page, but I can’t recover the "q" parameter. Does anyone know why?

In htaccess the rule is configured as follows:

RewriteRule ^([a-z]{2})/produtos(/?)$ /site/produtos/index.php?idioma=$1 [NC,L]

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