How to change the conjunction between the authors of the hepthesis model in Overleaf?


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Save everyone. I wrote my dissertation using the template/class "hepthesis" on Overleaf. The model is in English. Soon, in the initial writing I did not worry about the necessary flourishes. But now I’m with a small impasse to pass parts of the text to Portuguese.

Problem 1: All my references are using conjunction and among the authors. Autor1 and Autor2....

I want to change to Portuguese. Therefore, it would be: Ziviani e Alves...

Problem 2: Some titles insist on staying in English, such as Declaration, Acknowledgments, Preface, Nomenclature etc. I’ve used the \selectlanguage{brazilian}, but I wasn’t very successful.

The hepthesis class has two files: thesis.cls and thesis.sty. In none of them are there indications of how I can make the changes in the references. And the basic packages I’m using are:


2 answers


Marcos Alves,

I had the same problem as you and used this command below to replace "and" with "and":



I’m not really sure, but see if this helps

1) In your example you are using \documentclass[bind,a4paper]{thesis} looked forward to hepthesis

2) For Bibtex see if \usepackage[...Lingua...]{babelbib} helping.

3) Normally to deal with titles and the like, a macro to rename to the language (Example \def\chaptername{Cap\'{\i}tulo}) . An attempt would be to do something analogous for the missing elements.

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