Error in setting Javascript property


Viewed 1,115 times


I’m using the API Sceditor and when I load the page, the following error appears:

0x800a138f - Javascript runtime error: Unable to set the indefinite or null reference '_sceditor' property

<link rel="stylesheet" href="minified/themes/default.min.css" />
<script src="minified/sceditor.min.js"></script>
<script src="minified/formats/bbcode.js"></script>
<script src="minified/formats/xhtml.js"></script>
 var textarea = document.getElementById('example');
 sceditor.create(textarea, {
 format: 'xhtml',
 style: 'minified/themes/content/default.min.css'
  • It may be that your script is running before loading the plugin scripts.

1 answer


Use DOMContentLoaded, to check when the document is loaded, like this:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
    var textarea = document.getElementById('example');
    sceditor.create(textarea, {
        format: 'xhtml',
        style: 'minified/themes/content/default.min.css'

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