How to print the name of the method, file and line that was called?


Viewed 111 times



file name: teste.cs

A part of the code:


public void MeuMetodo()
    // suponha que essa linha seja a 100
    Console.WriteLine("Arquivo: " + arquivo + "Metodo: " + metodo +" linha: " + linha);
    //Resultado seria: Arquivo: teste.cs Metodo: MeuMetodo linha: 101
    //mais codigos

1 answer


Use the class StackFrame.

sf.GetFileName(), sf.GetMethod(), sf.GetFileLineNumber()

If there’s a way release this information will not be available. There are techniques that can help, but in general are not worth, almost always only use this thrashing.

You can also create a method like this:

public static void MostraMetodo([CallerFilePath] string sourceFilePath = "", [CallerLineNumber] int lineNumber = 0, [CallerMemberName] string caller = null) {
    WriteLine($"File: {sourceFilePath}, Method {caller}, Line: {lineNumber} ");

I put in the Github for future reference.

Where to call this method is what will be shown. See the documentation.

There must be other techniques.

  • 1

    You can get the class name using this.GetType().Name and the method name using MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name at least this information you can get in release.

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