Update APK Google Play - APK not upgradable


Viewed 1,456 times


I am trying to update an App and am not getting it. The following error message is shown:

None of the users who have this APK installed will be able to do upgrade to one of the Apks added in this version.


  • 1

    Changed the version on gradle? Added some limitation that your users - not yet - have?

  • @Valdeirpsr changed the version of Gradle yes. Can not change ?

  • 1

    You can change yes, but before climbing you need to change the versionCode and versionName in the Gradle.

  • @Valdeirpsr yes I did it. :/

  • 1

    By chance changed the signature or key of the application used to sign the apk?

  • @Grupocdsinformática no, I have updated other times and only now gave this problem. I will redo the whole process to see if I can.

  • See if this resolves https://answall.com/a/235268/3635

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