Form Filters - PHP


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I am developing a search in php for the database and I am having difficulties, the search is based on filters, for example:

state, city, rooms, rooms ....



I wanted to insert only one query, like, I thought to pass the conditions, in all if, for example, goes through each field

 $condicoes = $condicoes + 'estado = '.$estado.' AND ';

.... so on and so forth

2 answers


In fact, this type of filter is often done right the way you have in mind. But not exactly as you demonstrated in code.

First of all, obviously, you must sanitize, filter and suddenly validate the received data. Trusting the user is like going to war without a helmet.

Then you have two options:

  1. Assemble an array with each column and its respective value, one by one and, after all options considered, assemble the query by concatenating N clauses AND:

    $clauses = array();
        if( ! empty( $data['tipoAnunciante'] ) && $data['tipoAnunciante'] != 'none' ) {
            $clauses[] = sprintf( '`tipoAnunciante` = "%s"', $data['tipoAnunciante'] );
        if( ! empty( $data['tipoImovel'] ) && $data['tipoImovel'] != 'none' ) {
            $clauses[] = sprintf( '`tipoImovel` = "%s"', $data['tipoImovel'] );
       // ...
  2. Do it the way @Luizz suggested, in a loop. Although he used one of the mysql_* functions which is a disused extension and should not be used.

Both approaches have their pros and cons.

The first because the query would not be properly handled, which concern you do not need to have with Prepared statements, either of PDO, Mysqli...

The second is because it is not very readable in a quick look, even if an extension/library with support for Prepared statements can link the argument to the wrong type or, worse, requires many conditions within the loop.

The most appropriate (or at least the least worst) in that case, and already considering Prepared statement it would be something like that:

$columns = array();

if( ! empty( $data['tipoAnunciante'] ) && $data['tipoAnunciante'] != 'none' ) {
    $columns[] = $data['tipoAnunciante'];

if( ! empty( $data['tipoImovel'] ) && $data['tipoImovel'] != 'none' ) {
    $columns[] = $data['tipoImovel'];

if( ! empty( $data['quartos'] ) && $data['quartos'] != 'none' ) {
    $columns[] = $data['quartos'];

$query = 'SELECT * FROM `tabela`';

if( count( $columns ) > 0 ) {
    $query .= sprintf( ' WHERE `%s` = ?', implode( '` = ? AND `', $columns ) );

First we create an array with all valid entries, that is, those chosen by the user and different from None (none, in English, my personal option for the value default).

The cat’s jump is in the final concatenation because beyond it only occurs if at least one filter has been chosen, it still takes advantage of all true power of implode()

implode() does not only serve to transform an array into a string, see:

sprintf( ' WHERE `%s` = ?', implode( '` = ? AND `', $Columns ) );

The term bold adds the WHERE clause itself to the end of the immutable part of the query.

The term in italics (not very visible) is the placeholder of sprintf(). I could use several concatenations but this way is more readable.

It will be replaced by the string resulting from implode(). The detail, if you look closely, is that placeholder is enveloped by backticks (character of the crase - `)

In the resulting query string:

'SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `immobiliaria` = ? AND `casa` = ?'

It forms the first and the last backtick, to the left of imobiliaria and to the right of casa:

The real trick is in implode():

implode( '` = ? AND `', $Columns )

It will join all pieces, array elements, by:

  1. Other backtick;
  2. The sign of equality;
  3. A question mark (for the placeholder of Prepared statement).
  4. The clause AND
  5. Other backtick.

The first backtick will close the backtick used in the sprintf() and the second backtick will open the second defined in that function.

As internally implode() works more or less in a loop, this will repeat for each input of the array. But if we have three or more conditions (instead of the two demonstrated) your behavior will change without you noticing:

  • In the first "iteration" the first backtick will close to that open in sprintf() as stated above and the second will open a new for the second element.

  • In the second "iteration" the first backtick will close that open by the previous iteration and open a new for the third and final element.

  • In the third "iteration" the first backtick will close that open by the previous iteration and the second will open to that open in the sprintf() and the final string is ready to use.

But what about the treatment of values?

At least with the PDO (I don’t know about Mysqli and others) unless you REALLY need the difference that Pdostatement::bindParam() and Pdostatement::bindValue() have each other, you can simply pass an array to Pdostatement::execute() PDO itself will take care if or argument is or needs to be a string, an integer, a float...

And since the ~queries will be added in the exact same amount of items in the chosen value array, you will not have problems with excess or lack of queries in your Prepared statement

  • Well, there was a very big answer to a relatively simple question and the ending was quite technical, but I explained the best I could (considering the limitations of Markdown here) and I hope I could demonstrate a little that this "trick" implodes() allows to make.

  • As you said, does the PDO not contribute enough? No use tipoAnunciante, tipoImovel... be clean strings, need to have the expected elements. It would not be the case to use a validator together?

  • Not for the first question, but for the second. Recently, while answering another topic I learned something I didn’t know about Prepared statements: The resilience of XSS values is due to the fact that they travel through a different protocol than the query. I’m not saying that PDO does nothing when calling bindValue()/bindParam() but assuming the worst-case scenario that it does nothing at all, then it wouldn’t be enough.

  • But of course, the data should be externally sanitized, filtered and validated so I started the answer with that kind of information. I’m just gonna edit it out for a little bit.

  • His question seemed superficial, even more so with Luizz’s chosen answer, I had the idea that he was limited only to preventing an Injection. I made a hook in your answer to enter the PDO :) I followed the question cited, but you had not yet posted. Much is discussed if the use of PDO alone is sufficient, even with PDO you think it is worth sanitizing?

  • I’m of the opinion that for something to be safe, it must be off the Internet, so yes, every layer of security, every filter, every form of prevention that might be possible to add should be added. Maybe who understands C and can read the source of PHP can give us something more concrete that diminishes this type of paranoia, but until then...

  • I have always doubted what the use of PDO can bar... Today I have everything by validation: name(a-z), age(0-9), url(own rule)... I have my limitations with SQL, I do not pass from the surface. An input that does not satisfy the rule will not pass anywhere near the DB. Would this criterion no longer solve some input issues? I always get a flea behind my ear.

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An example !

$filtroList = array('estado', 'cidade', 'quartos');

$where = array();

foreach ($filtroList as $filtro) {
    if(isset($_GET[$filtro]) === TRUE && is_null($_GET[$filtro]) == FALSE){
        $where[] = $filtro.' = '. mysql_real_escape_string($_GET[$filtro]);

$condicoes = implode(' AND ', $where);

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