Pass data to viewbag from controller to view using Chart.JS


Viewed 517 times


I am trying to pass the data from a list to a viewbag, but it is not returning correctly in the view.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

My model and control:

    public class DataPoint

    public String nome = null;        
    public double y = 0;

    public DataPoint(String nome, double y)
        this.nome = nome;
        this.y = y;

public class HomeController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        List<string> nome = new List<string>();
        List<double> y = new List<double>();

        List<DataPoint> dataPoints = new List<DataPoint>
            new DataPoint("Casamento",50),
            new DataPoint("Óbitos",10),
            new DataPoint("Nascimento", 40),
            new DataPoint("Rec. de Firma", 40),
            new DataPoint("Autenticações", 60)

        foreach (var item in dataPoints)

        ViewBag.nome = nome;
        ViewBag.valor = y;

        return View();

And my view:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<script src="">
    var DoughnutChartData =
            labels: [@Html.Raw(ViewBag.nome)],
            datasets: [{
                label: 'Teste com ChartJS',
                backgroundColor: [
                borderWidth: 2,
                data: [@ViewBag.valor]

    window.onload = function () {
        var ctx1 = document.getElementById("Doughnutcanvas").getContext("2d");
            window.myBar = new Chart(ctx1,
                    type: 'pie',
                    data: DoughnutChartData,
                                display: true,
                                text: "Teste Chart"
                            responsive: true,
                            maintainAspectRatio: true

1 answer


You are forgetting to format the result as expected and are printing only the object. Note that for the List<double> I added a treatment to preserve separation by "." otherwise it would be replaced by "," and its array would not be written correctly.

    var valorArray = (List<double>)ViewBag.valor;
    var DoughnutChartData =
                labels:  [@Html.Raw("'" + string.Join("','",ViewBag.nome) + "'")],
                datasets: [{
                    label: 'Teste com ChartJS',
                    backgroundColor: [
                    borderWidth: 2,
                    data: [@Html.Raw(string.Join(",",valorArray.Select(x => x.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).ToArray()))]
  • The return of the Abels came like this: Labels: ['Marriage', Deaths', Birth', Rec. firm',Authentications'], some are not in single quotes.

  • @Adrianopraia Oops, I will edit the answer with the correction.

  • @Adrianopraia Pronto, string.Join("','",ViewBag.nome)

  • @Adrianopraia Sucesso?

  • Yes, Leandro! Now gave good, thank you very much!

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